




瞧啊,奥力如今收集起六种金属:铜,银,锡,铅,铁和金,他将他们以他的魔法配比,制造出了第七种金属,他因此将其命名为提卡尔【tilkal】{脚注:手稿的脚注写着:T(ambe)I(lsa) L(atuken) K(anu) A(nga)}这种金属拥有它的六种组成成分的优点,此外还有许多独有的特性。在不同的光线下,它的颜色或是闪亮的绿色,或是红色,并且无法被破坏,唯有奥力能够铸造它。于是奥力铸造出一条大铁链,铁链由上述七种金属铸成,咒语和魔法也被熔铸其中,使它成为最坚硬、最明亮、最光滑的金属,但提尔卡已经不够用了,只能用在每一个连接处。此外他还用同样的方法,以提尔卡和其他金属制作了两幅手铐和四幅脚铐。如今铁链被命名为安盖诺【angaino】,征服者;手铐名叫沃若泰蒙纳尔【vorotemnar】,意为永远禁锢,脚镣名叫伊尔泰瑞迪,因为它们无法被移除或斩断。


如今奥力为诸神打造好了盔甲,他们得到了马卡尔的帮助,他欣然看到他们拿起武器仿佛要奔赴战场,怒火直指米尔寇。当诸神和他们的从属都武装起来之后,曼威登上了他的蓝色战车,拉车的马匹是信步于欧罗米的领地中的最为洁白的,他手持一把白色的大弓,能够把箭矢像风一样射过最宽阔的大海。菲昂威,他的儿子,站在他身后;诺诺尔,他的传令官奔跑在他之前;欧罗米骑着一匹栗色的马,手持长矛;托卡斯大步走在他身边,身穿短袍,束着铜制腰带,除了右手上的金属护手别无武器。泰里迈卡塔尔,托卡斯的儿子为了战争而兴奋【译注:but just war-high】他肩负一把长剑,腰围一条银色的腰带。凡图瑞【fanturi】兄弟驾着一辆黑色的战车,在靠近曼督斯那边是一匹黑马,靠近罗瑞恩的那边则是一匹带斑点的灰马。萨尔玛尔和欧玛尔【salmar & omar】稳步跑着跟上,奥力因为在打铁而迟到,带着他的作品最后才赶来,但在离开锻造炉的时候,他拿起了长柄的锤子,匆匆出发了。伊尔萨和劳瑞(ilsa and laure)是黯影之海边界上普通的泰勒佩和库鲁的“魔法”名字,他的大铁链则由四位打铁的同伴携带。




尽管米尔寇躲在深深的殿堂里,但他还是听到了曼威的声音,并为此迟疑,他自己不曾出来,但派出了他的仆人兰登, 他说道:“瞧啊,吾主得在大门之前见到诸神屈尊来访,既惊且喜。眼下他颇愿欣然欢迎他们,但鄙舍简陋,若一次性接待两位以上,恐怕难尽地主之谊,他也恳请曼威和托卡斯不要拜访,因为一人值得而另一人要求无与伦比地奢华接待。他愿欣然由曼威的传令官之处得闻诸神所求为何,以至他们尽离开了他们舒适的座椅和维林诺的惫懒,枉驾来到这只有米尔寇一人谦逊而辛苦地劳作的荒凉地方。”




如今奥力为诸神打造好了盔甲,他们得到了马卡尔的帮助,他欣然看到他们拿起武器仿佛要奔赴战场,怒火直指米尔寇。当诸神和他们的从属都武装起来之后,曼威登上了他的蓝色战车,拉车的马匹是信步于欧罗米的领地中的最为洁白的,他手持一把白色的大弓,能够把箭矢像风一样射过最宽阔的大海。(所以托老心中的王者配色就是蓝白???)菲昂威,他的儿子,站在他身后;诺诺尔,他的传令官奔跑在他之前;(传令官不愧是太子候选人呢!托门上说诺诺尔后来变成了伊昂威,所以曼威的太子二合一了???)欧罗米骑着一匹栗色的马,手持长矛;托卡斯大步走在他身边,身穿短袍,束着铜制腰带,除了右手上的金属护手别无武器(优秀的小说需要前后呼应,所以托卡斯后文就把铁拳捅进了喵口的嘴里)。泰里迈卡塔尔,托卡斯的儿子为了战争而兴奋【译注:but just war-high】他肩负一把长剑,腰围一条银色的腰带(网上查出来原文的“腰带”一词指女性腰带)。凡图瑞【fanturi】驾着一辆黑色的战车,在靠近曼督斯那边是一匹黑马,靠近罗瑞恩的那边则是一匹带斑点的灰马(醉生梦死组合出现了!!!所以两个傲娇车要一起坐马不要统一哈哈哈哈哈哈,曼·宅家办公·督斯和罗·开会摸鱼·瑞恩是不是出发之前就用什么马挠了一架啊?曼督斯:你看看黑马它多帅!罗瑞恩:灰的它不可爱嘛?于是造成了这么没有统一排面的出场)。萨尔玛尔和欧玛尔【salmar & omar】稳步跑着跟上,奥力因为在打铁而迟到,带着他的作品最后才赶来,但在离开锻造炉的时候,他拿起了长柄的锤子,匆匆出发了。(有亿点点像晚起赶车的我们啊,迟到到武器只好抡锤子上……还有维拉和喵口谈判的诚意就是铁链手铐脚镣都打好了上是嘛)伊尔萨和劳瑞(ilsa and laure)是黯影之海边界上普通的泰勒佩和库鲁的“魔法”名字,他的大铁链则由四位打铁的同伴携带。




Behold, Aule now gathered six metals, copper, silver, tin, lead, iron, and gold, and taking a portion of each made with his magic a seventh which he named therefore tilkal,* and

* Footnote in the manuscript: 'T(ambe) I(lsa) L(atuken) K(anu) A(nga) 

this had all the properties of the six and many of its own. Its colour was bright green or red in varying lights and it could not be broken, and Aule alone could forge it. Thereafter he forged a mighty chain, making it of all seven metals welded with spells to a substance of uttermost hardness and brightness and smoothness, but of tilkal he had not sufficient to add more than a little to each link. Nonetheless he made two manacles of tilkal only and four fetters likewise. Now the chain was named Angaino, the oppressor, and the manacles Vorotemnar that bind for ever, but the fetters Ilterendi for they might not be filed or cleft.

But the desire of the Gods was to seek out Melko with greatpower -- and to entxeat him, if it might be, to betterdeeds; yet did they purpose, if naught else availed, to overcome him by force or guile, and set him in a bondage from which there should be no escape.

Now as Aule smithied the Gods arrayed themselves in armour, which they had of Makar, and he was fain to see them putting on weapons and going as to war, howso their wrath be directed against Melko. But when the great Gods and all their folk were armed, then Manwe climbed into his blue chariot whose three horses were the whitest that roamed in Orome's domain, and his hand bore a great white bow that would shoot an arrowlike a gust of wind across the widest seas. Fionwe his son stood behind him and Nornorewho was his herald ran before; but Orome rode alone upon a chestnut horse and had a spear, and Tulkas strode mightily beside his stirrup, having a tunic of hide and a brazen belt and no weapon save a gauntlet upon his right hand, iron-bound. Telimektar his son but just war-high was by his shoulder with a long sword girt about his waist by a silver girdle. There rode the Fanturi upon a car of black, and there was a black horse upon the side of Mandos and a dappled grey upon the side of Lorien, and Salmar and Omar came behind running speedily, but Aule who was late tarrying overlong at his smithy came last, and he was not armed, but caught up his long-handled hammer as he left his forge and fared hastily L(aure). ilsa and laure are the 'magic' names of ordinary telpe and kulu.to the borders of the Shadowy Sea, and the fathoms of his chain were borne behind by four of his smithy-folk.

Upon those shores Falman-Osse met them and drew them across on a mighty raft whereon he himself sat in shimmering mail; but Ulmo Vailimo was far ahead roaring in his deep-sea car and trumpeting in wrath upon a horn of conches.

Thus was it that the Gods got them over the sea and through the isles, and set foot upon the wide lands, and marched in great power and anger ever more to the North-. Thus they passed the Mountains of Iron and Hisilome that lies dim beyond, and came to the rivers and hills of ice. There Melko shook the earth beneath them, and he made snow-capped heights to belch forth flame, yet for the greatness of their array his vassals who infested all their ways availed nothing to hinder them on their journey. There in the deepest North beyond even the shattered pillar Ringil they came upon the huge gates of deep Utumna, and Melko shut them with great clangour before their faces.

Then Tulkas angered smote them thunderously with his great fist, and they rang and stirred not, but Orome alighting grasped his horn and blew such a blast thereon that they fled open instantly, and Manwe raised his immeasurable voice and bade Melko come forth.

But though deep down within those halls Melko heard him and was in doubt, he would not come, but sent Langon his servant and said by him that "Behold, he was rejoiced and in wonder to see the Gods before his gates. Now would he gladly welcome them, yet for the poverty of his abode not more than two of them could he fitly entertain; and he begged that neither Manwe nor Tulkas be of the two, for the one merited and the other demanded hospitality of great cost and richness. Should this not be to their mind then would he fain

hearken to Manwe's herald and learn what it were the Gods

so greatly desired that they must leave their soft couches and

indolence of Valinor for the bleak places where Melko laboured humbly and did his toilsome work."

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